Why God won't let me quit...
I'm writing to share our story and today I have so much to share with ya'll. It's been a few months since I wrote anything and so much...

Here's my heart, Lord
I continue to have moments where I just stand in confusion of what God is doing and what his plan is. I wonder why He hasn't granted me...

Our journey into Nineveh
In six days we will attend our first training to become foster parents. Our prayer is that we are able to foster a child (or siblings)...

Just a little God Wink ;)
This morning Amelia Rose has been playing with her dolls and I've been finishing up our paperwork for Foster to Adopt. I know God's...

God's Rejoinder?
Here we are! 2017 brought in a New Year and all kinds of New Blessings. Quick update: Russell and I are taking this month off from...
When God Answers, It's Okay to Cry
To all my barren friends, friends with infertility, friends who have lost a baby, I get it. I get why we don't talk about it. It only...

His plan is greater than mine
This morning I'm reflecting on my faith and the doors that God has opened. I read my devotion this morning and it was spot on. It...

Surrounded by Faith
I'm so grateful today! I went in for my ultrasound and I was extremely nervous. I'll be honest, the last few days have been tough. My...

A Letter To My Daughter
I still remember the moment I learned we were having a baby girl. A baby girl!!! Oh my gracious. I envisioned what she would look like....

A Heavy Cross, Strong Arms
Monday was the 28th and we officially found out our test was negative. It was extremely difficult to see that test and know we would...