Our journey into Nineveh
In six days we will attend our first training to become foster parents. Our prayer is that we are able to foster a child (or siblings) and then adopt them into our family. I still can't believe God has opened our hearts to this. Honestly, six months ago Russell and I both agreed that adoption wasn't an option for us. Our hearts weren't open to it and we didn't feel that God was leading us down the path to adoption. God continues to amaze me, even though I don't deserve it. If you feel your situation is hopeless, trust Him. He will come through for you. Here's how we got here:
Two months ago, my best friend, Maria, was connected with a woman who shared her foster to adopt story. This woman has adopted many babies through this system and she has given them a life of hope and love. Maria was so excited and she shared this with me. When she told me about, I was ready to listen. My ears perked up, my heart felt hope, my soul felt peace. I knew this was God. He was changing me and showing me He would open the door for our family to grow. I came to my husband that night and I'm not gonna lie, I was really nervous. I assumed he would reject this idea since he wasn't open to adoption. As I shared this with him, he looked at me and without hesitation he said he was ready to look at adoption. WHAT? How can that be? Amazingly, God worked in his heart too. Thank you Lord for always being there, even when I felt you left me. You have and always will be right beside me. You are LOYAL.
So, here we go! It's crazy to think we could be bringing a baby or toddler home in a few months! My heart is overwhelmed with gratitude when I think about God's hands at work through our journey. I will admit though, I'm scared. I had a friend ask me recently if I could possibly foster a baby/child and then have them return to their family. The scary truth is, the answer is yes. This is very possible and could happen. All I know, is I trust God. He isn't going to give us anything we can't handle. We are ready for what's ahead and we will face it with God by our side. That's all I know for sure, but that's all I need. I'm ready. We're ready. God's telling us to go to Nineveh and we must go. No backing down, no questions, no time to deviate from His plan. I don't know how this ends, but He does. All I know is I can't wait to see how our story unfolds. God bless you all and keep us in your prayers.