Hoping for baby kisses
Just one more sweet baby...that's our prayer right now. It's extremely difficult to not know what the future holds, but I'm learning to trust God and keep the faith. I have never been good at being patient and I assume that's another lesson I need to learn from this journey.

Our latest news is that we got my husband tested last week and everything came back perfect!! So, YAY!!! This is great news for us since his sperm having any issues (low count, low motility, morphology issues) would lower our chances of the IUI working. I started Femera yesterday and I take this for 5 days. Femara (generic name is letrozole) is an oral drug which can be an effective fertility treatment for women with ovulation problems, or for those with unexplained infertility. I am scheduled to go in for my first ultrasound on November 14th. They will look and confirm that my body has an egg and then I will give myself a "trigger shot" known as a HCG Trigger Shot. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is a hormone produced by a fertilized egg. In pregnant women, the placenta produces hCG naturally after implantation (in fact, pregnancy tests look for it in the blood). It's also similar in chemical structure and function to luteinizing hormone (LH)–the hormone that triggers ovulation–and fertility doctors sometimes use hCG before pregnancy too to help ensure the proper and complete release of eggs. That's where we are right now in our journey. Hopefully this sheds some light on what infertility can look like and how it all can unfold.
Believe it or not, we got pregnant the FIRST month when we conceived Amelia Rose (our three year old daughter). We never assumed we would have any fertility issues. In fact, we waited to start trying for another baby until we were absolutely ready. After all, we assumed it would only take 1-2 months to get pregnant. Wow-that was over two years ago. You truly never know what curves life will bring. The good news is, God does. He's in control and He knows. I have to pray daily to Him and pray for Him to remind me to trust Him. No matter how difficult or hopeless some days may feel, I'm grateful for a God that loves me and loves you. Put your trust in Him. He will get you through whatever battle you are fighting. He's a good, good Father.