Our Fertility Journey

Welcome! I've started this blog to share my journey through life. My goal is to motivate and inspire you by keeping it real and sharing straight from my heart. I hope you will visit often and find stories you can relate to. I'll be discussing issues many people don't talk about and I'm going to be raw and open when sharing my journey. As of today, my focus will be on our Fertility Journey. There. I said it. We have secondary infertility and I am not ashamed. We've been trying to have our second baby for over two years now and we are still trying. While it has been extremely difficult to hope, pray and dream every month that THIS might be THE month, I'm truly grateful to be on this journey. I know, I know, that sounds a little ridiculous, but you will find I'm a glass half full kind of country gal and that's just how I roll. God has opened my eyes to so many glorious gifts over these two years and I know and trust His plan. So, this month we begin our first IUI. We've used every minor fertility treatment up to this point and now it's time to shell out some dough and get out the big guns. IUI is the last step before IVF. It's funny though...before we started this journey I had heard all about IVF, but I had never heard of this term IUI (Intrauterine Insemination). I guess that's why I feel compelled to share our story. I've now talked to countless women who have experienced infertility and I had no clue they were going through anything at all. It's like we all keep it quiet. We don't want to say anything that might create a situation where others feel sorry for us (at least that's how I felt at first). What I'm realizing though, is I can be happy for my preggy friends and my friends with multiple children. I can ask these friends to pray with me. I can share with these friends. These friends love me and want to support me. WOW. That's been a huge revelation for me. The truth is, there is NOTHING wrong with me (or you) because I have infertility. It's just a part of my story and it's my opportunity to share this with others and hopefully give them peace and comfort during a difficult time. So, whether you have babies, are praying for a baby, are experiencing the loss of a baby, or are just plain struggling, this blog is for you. We go Wednesday to have my hubby tested and then we will go in two weeks for our first IUI. I'll keep you posted.